Viewer Component

The Viewer component is found at:



The Viewer.js file defines a single React functional component called Viewer. This component is responsible for displaying a list of projects and providing functionality to manage these projects.


The Viewer component retrieves a list of projects from a backend server, displays them in a table, and allows the user to accept, reject, or download each project’s PDF file.


  1. State Management: Utilizes React’s useState and useEffect hooks for managing component state and side effects. The state includes a list of projects and details of each project like ID and fileHash.

  2. API Calls: Uses the Axios library to send HTTP requests to a backend server. The server’s URL is stored in a separate config file.

  3. Authentication: Includes an authentication header in API requests. This header is set to a Bearer token stored in a cookie.

  4. File Downloading: Downloads a project’s PDF file from the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) when the corresponding button is clicked. The downloaded file is then saved to the user’s device.

  5. Project Management: Allows the user to accept or reject a project. When a project is accepted or rejected, an API request is sent to update the project’s status on the backend server.


The Viewer component is intended to be used when there is a need to display a list of projects and allow a user to manage these projects by accepting, rejecting, or downloading their associated files.