Event Debug Controller

The EventDebugController is used for debugging purposes and to check the whitelisting status of a user. It is located at:


The EventDebugController is used for debugging purposes and checking the whitelisting status of users, providing endpoints for retrieving event logs and checking if a user is whitelisted based on their wallet address. It is located at:



GET /EventDebug/Debug

Retrieves the project evaluation event logs.

Response JSON Object:
  • response (obj) – The service response object.

Debug Remove:

GET /EventDebug/DebugRemove/{address}

Retrieves the whitelist removal event logs for a given wallet address.

  • address (string) – The wallet address of the user.

Response JSON Object:
  • response (obj) – The service response object.

Debug Add:

GET /EventDebug/DebugAdd/{address}

Retrieves the whitelist insertion event logs for a given wallet address.

  • address (string) – The wallet address of the user.

Response JSON Object:
  • response (obj) – The service response object.

Is WhiteListed:

GET /EventDebug/Whitelisted/{address}

Checks if the user with the given wallet address is whitelisted.

  • address (string) – The wallet address of the user.

Response JSON Object:
  • response (bool) – A boolean indicating whether the user is whitelisted or not.