NotAuthorized Component

The NotAuthorized component is found at:



The NotAuthorized component is used to display an authorization error message to the user, indicating that they do not have the necessary permissions to view the page they attempted to access. After a delay of 3000 milliseconds (3 seconds), the component automatically redirects the user to the root (‘/’) route.


  1. Redirect Delay: Utilizes a custom delay function which returns a Promise that resolves after a specified time period. In this case, a delay of 3000 milliseconds is implemented.

  2. Navigation: Uses the useNavigate hook from React Router DOM for navigation. After the delay, the user is redirected to the home route (‘/’).

  3. Styling: The component returns a div with a centered message. The styling is applied inline and includes flexbox centering, a full viewport height, and specific font properties.

  4. Effect: The side effect of redirecting the user after a delay is handled in the useEffect hook, which executes upon component mount.


This component is intended to be used when a user tries to access a restricted page without the necessary permissions.