UserNotVerified Component

The UserNotVerified component is found at:



The UserNotVerified.js file defines a single React functional component named UserNotVerified. This component is displayed to the user when the verification link they are trying to use has expired.


The UserNotVerified component is a simple component that displays a message to the user stating that the verification link they are trying to use has expired, and instructs them to fill out the sign-up form again. After a delay of three seconds, the user is automatically redirected to the home page.


  1. Redirection: Uses the ‘react-router-dom’ library’s useNavigate hook to perform the redirection after a delay.

  2. Delay Mechanism: Uses a custom delay function wrapped in a Promise to create a delay before performing the redirection.

  3. useEffect Hook: Uses React’s useEffect hook to call the delay function and navigate function when the component is first rendered.

  4. Styling and Layout: Uses inline CSS styling to center the message text vertically and horizontally in the viewport. Also sets the font family, font weight, and font size of the message.


The UserNotVerified component is used when the user tries to access a resource with an expired verification link. It informs the user of the situation and redirects them to the home page after a short delay.