The ProjectList Component

The ProjectList component is located at:



The ProjectList component displays a list of projects in the web application. It is responsible for fetching the project data from the backend, allowing for filtering by project status, and rendering the project data in a grid format.

Key Features

  • Data Fetching: Fetches project data from the backend using axios.

  • Role and Token Handling: Retrieves the user role from the token stored in cookies. It uses this to determine what projects should be displayed based on the role of the user.

  • Project Filtering: Allows for filtering the displayed projects by their status (e.g., all, approved, pending, rejected).

  • Grid Display: Displays projects in a grid format using the SimpleGrid component from @chakra-ui/react.

  • Loading State Handling: Displays a loading icon while project data is being fetched, transitioning to the actual content once data is ready.